World Cup Brazil Gift from Google
Submitted by Kristin on
The World Cup starts soon on 12 June 2014!
Google sent us a present today to get us in the mood. Watch out for this "brazuca" match ball flying around the office!
Please visit our new Drupal Website at 我們的新網頁設計公司網頁.
Submitted by Kristin on
The World Cup starts soon on 12 June 2014!
Google sent us a present today to get us in the mood. Watch out for this "brazuca" match ball flying around the office!
Submitted by Kristin on
We are proud to recieve the Golden Award from the OGCIO Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2014 and had fun in the Awards Presentation Ceremony in ITFEST.
一個"無障礙"的網站,可以照顧到不同社羣對網站使用的需要,讓一些在視力、聽力、肢體等方面有特殊需要的人士更便捷地獲取網上資訊。近日XENYO 便參加了由政府資訊科技總監辦公室,聯同平等機會委員會推出的「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」,在網頁組別獲得了金獎。我們將繼續努力,設計更多方便不同社羣瀏覽和使用的優質網站,為建構關懷共融社會出一分力。