Publishers Guide to Ad networks


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Do you want to make more money on your website or blog? Only have Adsense on your site? Its time you start looking into ways to add to your Adsense income and in this article, I’ll list and review the Ad networks that can help publishers accomplish this goal.

The Basics

What is an Ad network?

Basically, Ad networks helps web publishers to sell advertisement on their websites. Their main role is to find and market your website to potential advertisers for you. There are more and more networks springing up each day so its about time Xenyo did an introduction and review of the more popular ones.

I have Adsense on my site already, why do I need to look at others?

Whilst Adsense is a great ad network, some sites earn more by using other networks or even running ads together with Adsense Ads. Google has relaxed their restrictions regarding using Adsense with other Ad networks and more info on this can be found on the Jensense blog.

So how do I put the ads up?

As not all of us are technically gifted, the kind folks at most ad networks have made it easy to put up and maintain your ads by providing you with a JavaScript code that you copy and past onto your website. Once its done, the code calls up the relevant ads to your web page from the networks pool of advertisers. For Cost per Action (CPA) or affiliate marketing networks however, more effort is usually required to pre-sell your visitors for maximum effect and therefore most publishers choose to embed the affiliate coded links manually to each page.

Whats the difference between site-targeted and contextual ads?

These terms refers to how the network chooses which ad to display on your site. For contextual ads, the network scans your website or web page for keywords and displays ads that it regards as relevant to your visitors. For site targeted ads, your web site or its industry is used to determine what ads are displayed. Generally speaking, contextual ads should return more relevant ads and therefore result in a higher Click Through Rate (CTR).

Types of Ads

Cost per Click (CPC)

CPC ads in this guide refers to networks that provides ad blocks that pays the publisher a certain amount for every click of an ad displayed on their site. The price of each click or Cost Per Click (CPC) differs between each network, website, industry and will be covered in more detail in our CPC Ad Networks Review. Google Adsense Yahoo Publishers Network Adbrite Bidvertiser Chitika Clicksor Find out which network will work best for you in our CPC Ad networks review.

Cost per Impressions (CPM)

CPM ads are paid based on the number of times they are shown on the publishers’ website – impressions. The price of each impression (or more commonly termed Thousand impressions, CPM) differs between each network, website, industry and will be covered in more detail in our CPM Ad Networks Review. Google Adsense Adbrite Find out which network will work best for you in our CPM Ad networks review.

Cost per Action (CPA)

In a CPA model, the publisher gets paid when a visitor they have referred to the advertiser completes an action such as signing up or buying a product. For this reason, the revenue the publisher earns is defendant on the advertiser and is commonly set as a percentage of the sale for products sold such as 10% or 15%. The CPA model is often referred to as affiliate marketing where the publisher is the affiliate and the advertiser is the merchant. Google Adsense Clickbank Commission Junction Linkshare Shareasale Find out which network will work best for you in our CPA Ad networks review.

In-line Text

Some Ad-networks offer their ads to be shown in the text content of the publisher’s website, highlighting keywords in the text which links out to the advertisers site. The effectiveness of this method is often dependent on how well the contextual engine works to show a relevant match of the keywords. In-line text is mainly a CPC model where the publisher gets paid per click of the keyword link. The price of each click differs between each network, website, industry and will be covered in more detail in our In-Line Text Ad Networks Review. Kontera Adbrite Clicksor Find out which network will work best for you in our In-Line Text Ad networks review.